Colostrum is the most important factor in the health of the new born lamb. It is commonly assumed that the colostrum received from the mother would be sufficient in providing the necessary nutrients.
A lamb’s overall health is at risk if it does not receive colostrum within the first twelve hours of life, or if it receives poor quality colostrum from a ewe that has not built up on-farm immunity.
For many reasons, a new born lamb may not get sufficient colostrum, or will receive colostrum of a low quality. The latter is only just being recognised by scientists and researchers, as all colostrums were previously thought to be of equal quality.
Many ewes produce insufficient colostrum in terms of quality and/or quantity. Surestart® is the ideal supplement in these cases.

How can Surestart® help?
Surestart® was developed by Agri-Lloyd taking all the above factors into consideration. The unique Surestart® formula was developed after consultation with the Moredun Institute in Scotland.
It is particularly high in energy and is manufactured using only 100% pure natural colostrum from first milking.
This guarantees the new born lamb gets an intake of feed that is as close to its mother’s as possible. Surestart® is loved by farmers for its ease of mixing; our research tells us that this is the most important reason in choosing Surestart® over competitive product.
For each lamb, mix 25g Surestart® with 180ml warm water. This makes 200ml of liquid colostrum replacer. This can be reduced for particularly small lambs. Feed to the lamb in the first 12 hours after birth, using a stomach tube or teat bottle. After mixing, Surestart® may be stored warm in a flask for 24 hours or cold for 3 days.
Only for feeding to lambs up to 14 days of age.
Reseal the inner liner after use and replace the lid.
Keep out of the reach of children.
Health and Safety Information
As far as is known, there are no health or usage hazards associated with the feeding of this product. Store in cool, dry place out of direct sunlight.